The Blessing of Boredom

I think many of us will one day find ourselves in a time period in which nothing is going on. I find myself in this very place right now and typically every year around this time. 

I’m going to be honest. My phone is dry. My friends are all good. No drama. No stressors on me. No impending doom that I feel.

And I go to one of my trusted friends saying this is terrible news. A “crisis” I called it. Nothing was going on my life I told her. There was no new boy I was interested and I didn’t feel any pressure. I guess the public school system has taught me to always have anxiety like a soldier after war.

She tells me how lucky I am. Doubtfully, I listen. She tells me how I have all the time in the world to focus on college applications, getting my nails done, or take a bubble bath. A vacation she called it.

Too often do I forget about the times when too much was going on and I didn’t feel I had time to take one breath. In the past, I have taken for granted the peace that is boredom. But right now I’m going to take that vacation because who knows when it will come to an end.


My 2024 Mantra


July 11th